In this example we will make a claim to a risk item that covered cargo damage and theft.
Important! We recommend use v2 claim integration
/claims body payload:
{"risk_item_id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","subject":"Cargo Theft Incident","variant_id":"525f201c-516d-4780-9d08-9459d73d9f5d","incident": {"date":"2024-03-20T15:00:00.000Z","details": {"transaction": {},"description":"The cargo was stolen during a scheduled delivery stop. The incident occurred while the cargo was en route to its next destination." },"additional_properties": {"claim_type":"ROBO","incident_coords":"-0.180653, -78.467838","fast_track":true } },"metadata": {}}
{"risk_item_uid":"risk_item_uid","variant_uid":"cargo_theft_2000","incident": {"date":"2025-01-19T02:06:34.539Z","subject":"Cargo Theft Incident","description":"The cargo was stolen during a scheduled delivery stop. The incident occurred while the cargo was en route to its next destination","claim_amount":1999 }}
Claim to a personal accident risk item
In this example, we will make a claim to a risk item that covered medical expenses due to an accident or accidental death.
/claims body payload:
{"risk_item_id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","subject":"Personal Accident Claim","variant_id":"525f201c-516d-4780-9d08-9459d73d9f5d","incident": {"date":"2024-03-20T15:00:00.000Z","details": {"transaction": {},"description":"While I was playing sports, a player tackled me and my right ankle twisted." },"additional_properties": {"incident_coords":"-0.180653, -78.467838", } },"metadata": {}}
{"risk_item_uid":"risk_item_uid","variant_uid":"personal_accident","incident": {"date":"2025-01-19T02:06:34.539Z","subject":"Personal Accident Claim","description":"While I was playing sports, a player tackled me and my right ankle twisted.","claim_amount":500 }}
A claim will be returned if the endpoint call succeeds.